Studying Scripture Intro

It's funny to me that I wrote three posts about topics nobody asks about and you, in turn, flood me with requests for posts on specific topics. [Yes, I take requests! Yes, I will write about them...eventually. But whenever someone asks me to write about a topic, I spend as much time as the Spirit leads me to take preparing for it. I deeply search God's Word. I pray over it. I take notes for weeks. I do not take one blog post lightly.] I will get to your requests, hopefully sooner rather than later.

But today's post is something I feel every Christian needs to know how to do but very few have learned about: Studying Scripture. 


Now, I'm not against any group Bible Study. I LOVE BETH MOORE. I am currently in a Precept Study at my church, an amazing program led by Kay Arthur. I have learned so much from these ladies (and many others!) and I consider them my inspiration. And I've encouraged several of you to join Bible Study groups as you get off to college.

But group studies are not a substitute for personal, individual digging into God's Word. So on the days that I have already done my group work, I'm studying the Word on my own.

How? Glad you asked! 

First, let's identify what DOES NOT count as Bible Study:

  • Reading a chapter. (Nothing wrong with reading the Bible! But reading is not the same thing as studying.)
  • A devo. (I drink in my Jesus Calling every day. But it's not Bible Study!)
  • A book. (We should all be reading great books by Christian men and women, learning how to live and love and pray and focus. But, again, not Bible Study!)
  • Blogs by godly women. (Of course I think my blog is straight from God to you through my fingers! But, again, it's not Bible Study!)

So what is Bible Study?
It's a slow walk through God's Word. I used this illustration yesterday in Sunday School: it's like walking through the woods with a 2-year old. You cannot call that a "hike." It's a "stroll" at best. She's going to pick up every stick, trip over every bump, splash in every puddle, and look at every squirrel. You'll have to take multiple journeys off the trail, bring a backpack for all you collect, and stop every now and then for a drink of water.

Yep. That's what individual Bible Study should look like and feel like. No rushing. Looking at everything. Leaving no leaf or stone or dead log unturned. And like that stroll through the woods, you never know what you'll find!

Now, before I give you a list of ideas, please READ THIS:
Bible Study has no right or wrong way. Your brain and your personality and your bent may make some strategies for Bible Study work for you and some things that feel like just going through the motions. THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS WITH STUDYING THE BIBLE. This is God speaking to you through the Holy Spirit. Nobody has the copyright on how YOU should study the Bible. I'm giving you some ideas, but if you seek to know God well, I guarantee He'll show you stuff that is for you alone. There is no legalism here, no "my way is better than your way." All that matters is that we are turning our hearts and our faces and our brains toward Jesus through the primary way we hear His voice: the Bible.

So here are a few ideas to get you started:
Start with a book that won't bog you down. Lots of girls get really excited about studying the Bible and think, "I am interested in end times! I'm going to study Revelation!" Don't. It's very intellectual and even the smartest brains don't agree on what it all means. I would start with one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John), one of John's letters (1, 2, 3 John), Genesis, Psalms, Esther, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, or Colossians. Just get into the habit and get comfortable studying the Bible. God will lead you where He wants you to go.

Don't be afraid to chase rabbits. If you're trying to study the book of John and you keep finding yourself drawn to the word "light," which occurs sixteen times, by all means stop and study the word light for a few weeks! Some of my most exciting discoveries in Scripture came from chasing a rabbit in God's Word!

This is totally Spirit-led. You will not get much of anything from Bible Study if you're not living according to the Spirit in the rest of your life. Jesus said that the Spirit would teach us all things and remind us of everything Jesus said to us (John 14:26). And the Spirit is quenched when we are not walking in the light of obedience. So don't complain that your Bible Study is dry when you're choosing to sin. The closer you draw to God, the more He'll point out things you need to clean out or destroy completely in your brain and in your heart. He's not suggesting; He's commanding. 

Start with prayer. Thank God that you are allowed into His Presence. Ask Him to help you focus on, hear, and know Him. Sit there in silence for a good 60 seconds and just listen.

Do it first thing. And I hear some of you night owls yelling, "NOOOOO!!!!" But it's the truth. Psalm 5:3 says, "In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice. In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Give God your first moments. (After the coffee is poured, of course!) He will bless you for your sacrifice.

Give yourself plenty of time. Don't think you can really dig into and hear God in five minutes. Maybe start with twenty and see what happens.

This is a practice in solitude. So, as best you can, get by yourself, in a quiet place. THE ABSOLUTE BEST for me is to wake up before anyone in my house dares to stir. If you can get to a place where you can talk to God aloud, you're probably going to have an awesome time with the Lord.

Get a Study Bible. There are millions. They are all different and they are all great. Go to a Bible bookstore and give yourself an hour to look through them all. Ask God to draw you to the one He would use for you for this season. I honestly have a dozen and I use them all. 

Get a journal. You're going to want to write down everything you hear, learn, and experience. You can write your prayers here, too. They have THE CUTEST ONES at Dollar General for $2.

This is an every day thing. Don't make this a "when I don't have to get up early" thing or a "day when I don't have a busy day" thing. This is your commitment to meet with the Creator of all that is, the Savior of the World, personally. 

I know you're smart enough. I know I can show you how. I know God wants you to Study His Word.


So my next post will have more concrete, specific ideas. And if any of you have any ideas for how YOU study Scripture on your own, would you please share it with me? I'll put it in there!!!


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