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This is my 12th year of teaching Sunday school to teenagers. My 12th year of Easter lessons. My 12th time to dig deeply into God's Word about THE most important thing that ever happened in history. The Easter lesson never gets old. Not because I don't know it; I mean, I've been in church for 37 years. But because God loves the Easter story , and it seems He is more than willing to bring it alive to use every year. All of Scripture--literally--points to the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. If there is any one thing that we need to know and believe and stake our identity in, it's the Easter lesson. I was studying Luke 23-24, which is Luke's version of the crucifixion and the resurrection. I'm always a little partial to this part of the Easter story because of the prominent role the women play in it. Though men (Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus) take Jesus' body down from the cross and place it in a tomb, a small group of women (including M...